Update 5/26/16
Your responses to this blog post was off the charts! Thank you for your overwhelming support through your recent visits to my site… 564 visitors at last count! I believe this interest reflects the need and desire for preserving our open spaces.
In honor of your tremendous support and interest, I am going to donate 10% of all profits from my current 20%-off sale to the Friends of the Columbia Gorge, they are instrumental in thoughtful Gorge preservation. The sale has been continued through June 6th. Help me to extend the reach of this worthy cause by visiting my Facebook post and share it with your network and further the preservation of open spaces.
You would be supporting a worthy cause, the arts, in addition to purchasing a beautiful landscape photograph for your home or office. View my New and Recent gallery.
See you on the trail…
Hi Folks-
It’s been an interesting spring out there. After hearing about the “super bloom” in Death Valley I decided to dedicate several spring days to photographing our own super bloom on the east end of the gorge. The fun began in late March with visits to old favorites – Catherine Creek and Lyle Cherry Orchard – as they began their bloom cycle. Celine and I had a great discovery the last weekend in March when we stumbled upon a hike we’d been hearing about near the Dalles. Seven Mile Mountain is a small section of forest service land which boasts a south facing slope with big views of Mount Hood and Mount Adams. It’s not a trailed destination but if one is willing to wander around the slope for a few hours you will be treated to one of the most prolific and diverse wildflower displays I’ve encountered in the gorge. After discovering this little gem, I was determined to come back to the spot and document the landscape with better lighting conditions. It’s all about the light.

There’s still plenty of flowers out there. I hope you get a chance to enjoy them!
Wow. Spectacular.
Thanks, the oaks were made near sunset and the Mt Hood landscape also.
Nice work, Larry!
Anne and I met on Seven Mile Hill in 1999, and we’d never seen it like is was this spring.
Hey Larry, great super bloom pictures! It’s been quite the spring here in Boise also. Thanks for sharing! Peter